It’s easy to see the advancements in technology play a huge part in ever changing beauty trends and routines. And the beauty trends nowadays have a few staples that – even if you aren’t the ‘trendiest’ – you feel you should keep up with.
- Thicker and symmetrical brows
- Smaller pores
- Thinner waist – wider hips
- Minimized cellulite
- Thick head of hair
- And… the big one, full lips.
Let’s face it, aging happens. And no matter how much we try to stop it, no one has found the fountain of youth… just yet. [But we might let you know when we do]
And there are certain upsides to having the wisdom to the downsides, or literal gravity, of topics like thinning lips. When does it start happening? And why does it start to happen before the age of 30 for some women? This can be a real issue, and even more baffling to notice before we’re willing and ready to accept.
So, Why Do We Get Them?
Don’t fret, thinning lips are a completely natural sign of aging. Like most of our skin, the loss of collagen is the reason we see less and less lip. Coupled with the tiring of muscles around the mouth as we age, leads to little support, wrinkles, and a more aged face.
Without the support of collagen, the firmness and fullness of our skin starts to reflect our age and it begins to happen as early as our twenties. When you’re young, your lips are full because the skin contains plenty of collagen and natural hyaluronic acid which keeps them hydrated starting from the inside-out.
Another studied, yet surprising reason is that younger people tend to have larger teeth which help support the lips and keep them perky.
When lips start to thin, like most things in life, the ‘when’ comes down to genetics. Genetics play a huge part in determining the status of your lips. Whether they’re small or specifically shaped are all genetically predetermined.
But it happens to all of us, we know how, just not when.
If you were born with naturally smaller lips, you may start to notice this as early as your late 20s and 30s. This is when the skin’s full support system starts to slow down and produce collagen and hyaluronic acid at a different pace. It’s known that some people just age that way. Some not!
The whole idea of genetics may leave a lot of people feeling hopeless and out of control. But that’s not the whole story. Lifestyle can explain some premature lip thinning.
And yes, that means, if we break it… there’s ways to fix it.
… Well, prevent it.
Ways To Prevent Premature Lip Thinning
#1 – Stay Hydrated.
This goes for the entirety of your skin health. We are made up of water and in order to get full function and health – replenishing that is necessary. And surprise! This includes your lips!
Too much caffeine and not enough water is a major culprit for thinning lips. Ensure your lips are always thoroughly moisturized to keep wrinkles at bay. Some dermatologists recommend using a concentrated eye cream on the lips often. Mostly the eye creams that contain active anti-wrinkle ingredients that help plump the skin as well as hydrate.
Some also suggest lip ointments and oils rather than stick balms which are waxy and can dry out your lips. Coconut oils, sweet almond oil, and Burt’s Bees Squeezable Lip Balm are some of the top favorites for thick before bed layers. These ointments soak into the lips rather than sitting on top like others.
For temporary fullness, using lip plumping lip gloss or balm can help hydrate your lips or may have mild irritants that can cause swelling. The reason you feel a tingling sensation when you apply it to your lips.
#2 Wear Your Sunscreen
Again, like most parts of your skin, sunscreen is extremely important. Keeping your skin hydrated and safe from the sun’s harmful rays are extremely helpful in fighting premature wrinkles. This also weighs heavy on your lips. The wrinkling of the lips can cause loss in collagen and premature thinning of the lips.
#3 Avoid the Straw
Just like the concept that smokers suffer from premature lip thinning, puckering your lips when drinking out of a straw can also cause these lines to appear. This also breaks down the collagen in your lips and makes them smaller and more wrinkled in appearance.
Some would suggest, in the name of plumper lips, sipping and swallowing quickly and rinsing with water and/or fluoride rinse after drinking foods and beverages that may stain your teeth. Straws aren’t necessary and in the name of fuller lips – so skip the straw.
#4 Nutrition – Eat Your Protein and Vitamin C
In addition to staying hydrated, avoiding straws and cigarettes, and wearing sunscreen, you can address thinning lips on a daily basis by making sure your diet is rich in protein and vitamin C. Both are necessary to help the skin make strong and healthy collagen. Which supports the plumpness and avoids the thinning of the lips.
Look for foods high in protein like chicken, fish, beans, and even some nuts. If you’re looking for vitamin C, look for citrus fruits like oranges and lemons, and veggies, lots of greens and peppers. Red, yellow, and green peppers. All good sources of Vitamin C.
#5 Talk to a Dermatologist
If there are serious concerns about the condition of your lips. Talk to your dermatologist about the options to maintain or prevent any further uncomfort. Women have applied all kinds of cosmetics to alter their appearance for ages. Lip enhancements are one of the many treatments that help rejuvenate the entire face. If you’re looking to restore the volume in your lips naturally lost over time, lip augmentation is a very common cosmetic procedure used on all patients from all backgrounds.
Specifically, Dr. Balshi at Balshi Dermatology often uses medical options including (but not limited to) injectable fillers. Treatments like Restylane or Juvederm are used as pure forms of hyaluronic acids to retain water and hydrate the lips while adding volume.
When it comes to fillers, less is more. Schedule a consultation about the types of fillers available even if it’s temporary to try out for a day. So you can get an idea of what a filler would look like without the commitment.
In addition to those popular treatments, collagen, Botox and even a patient’s own fat will be used to help restore the structure and volume to the lips.
Lip Augmentation Can Be For Everyone
While genetics do play a huge part in the result and speed of your lips aging, the process will inevitably claim all victims in old age. The key to a successful dermal injection is strategic. It’s important to have a doctor diverse in experience of injecting fillers in the facial area. Preciseness is a factor and optimal quantity are important to keep results natural and refined.
Studies have shown that acid fillers like Restylane injections are possibly more beneficial to the skin. It’s been known to actually boost collagen producing cells to create more collagen by themselves even after injection. This seemingly reinforces the existing collagen and elastin in the skin and will continue throughout the duration of the injection treatments.
Who Considers Lip Augmentation?
For those considering lip augmentation, atrophy is mainly to blame. Loss of hyaluronic acid in the lips are the primary reason for treatment. Maybe it’s to correct lip lines or smokers lines. For some other patients, maybe having thin lips has been a way of life and enhancing their lips to bring them a more “normal” size or a “preferred” symmetry with the rest of their face is a beauty preference. Some patients, to simply put it, would just like to accentuate the fullness or volume of their natural lips.
Is It Painful?
When it comes to injectables, there can be a small amount of discomfort. When talking to your doctor or Dr. Balshi about lip augmentation, ask about regional anesthesia. Similar to when you go to the dentist. It’s only a few extra seconds and makes the treatment entirely comfortable.
Post-treatment may cause short-term swelling and redness that may last up to 24 hours. It is common. Aside from that, there is little downtime and sometimes none at all. On more extreme occasions, transient bruising may last a few days.
In total, the most a patient may experience, because of the nature of injectables, are the feeling of tiny bumps in the lips. These will naturally smooth themselves out by the body within a couple of days after the procedure.
Dr. Balshi Performs Lip Augmentation In Delray Beach, FL
Enhancing lips is only one of the many treatments that impact the overall youthful rejuvenation of the entire face. Lip augmentation is a common cosmetic procedure, used to treat patients of all ethnic and social backgrounds. Restoring the volume in the lips that is naturally lost over time leaves you refreshed with a youthful appearance.
To discuss lip augmentation options with a board-certified dermatologist in Delray Beach, contact Balshi Dermatology at (561) 272-6000 or send us a message on our Contact Page to set up your appointment.