As kids, rosy flush cheeks can be super cute. With perfect cherub skin and just enough flush to give them picturesque coloring, we all envy it. Until about junior high. When blushing really easily caused by any emotion: happy, embarrassed, scared, nervous, etc., would only make things more noticeable… and worse.
No one wants to be stared at and always asked why they turn so red. Especially if it takes up to a full hour to subside. Can we say, uncomfortable AND inconvenient? For those who find the word Rosacea scary, it may not help to know that there is no cure for it and no easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy way to get rid of it.
However, there is good news! It can be managed.
There is no one-stop solution to this embarrassing chronic condition. And for those doctor’s offices that get booked-up fast Rosacea may be considered a minor condition. Therefore, may take a while to get the proper care for your specific Rosacea needs.
So till then, time to take matters into your own hands with a few tips to help hold you over and turn down the embarrassment dial to an even ‘mild’.
Now, it’s good to remember that everyone’s triggers vary. Just like the severity of their Rosacea condition. But, have no fear! There are steps you can take to manage Rosacea and your triggers to reduce flare-ups. These common triggers can be:
- Extreme weather
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Hot or spicy foods
- Scrubbing or rubbing the face
- Skin care products or cosmetics
- Exercise
- Sun exposure
There are steps you can take to reduce stress, protect yourself from extreme weather conditions, watch you eat and drink, be moderate with exercise and be gentle with all skin care products. If you know your triggers, you can find ways to manage your symptoms. Journal your experiences and take note of all important issues. These can be pinpointed more directly if you discuss your findings with your doctor or dermatologist.
While there is no cure for Rosacea, finding treatments that are tailored to your personal needs have become very accessible.
Moisturize and Cleanse
Moisturize. Create a barrier that can help keep irritants and symptoms at bay. Choose a moisturizer that is oil-free, fragrance-free, hypoallergenic, and fewer ingredients than you’ll find in your standard pharmacy moisturizer. Moisturize daily.
Just like with the moisturizer, the type of cleanser you need are products that are not harsh on the skin. That means products that don’t contain astringents. This can make it difficult to manage Rosacea so much worse. And although Rosacea can present itself similar to acne, products that are targeted for people with acne can actually be an irritant for people with Rosacea. Choose your cleanser and moisturizer wisely and remember, no scrubbing. Cleansing your face in the morning and at night helps remove oil and dirt that can irritate your skin. Choose a mild cleanser, apply gently in a circular motion, rinse off the cleanser with lukewarm water using your fingertips, and pat your face dry, gently, with a clean cotton towel.
Another tip: skip the facials. These irritate the skin and aggregate Rosacea. Stick to mineral-based and fragrance free makeup. As well a suppressed powder over liquid formulas. Liquids are known to clog the pores and therefore, make Rosacea symptoms much worse.
Sun Exposure To Manage Rosacea
One of the top triggers for Rosacea is sun exposure. Studies show that 81% of respondents said that the sun triggers a Rosacea flare-up. And just as you choose your moisturizers, cleanser, and make-up carefully, your sunscreen should also be chosen precisely.
When shopping for any cosmetics, dermatologists recommend avoiding:
- Camphor
- Fragrance
- Menthol
- Urea
- Alcohol
- Sodium Laurel Sulfate
- Glycolic Acid
Specific to sunscreen, dermatologist recommend you look for sunscreen with:
- Broad-spectrum protection
- No fragrance (not unscented)
- SPF 30 or higher
- Zinc Oxide, titanium dioxide, or both
- Silicone (or dimethicone, or cyclomethicone)
Apply sunscreen, even on cloudy days.
Even though everyone’s triggers vary, the list of ingredients above can help reduce the likelihood of buying a product that might irritate your skin.
Food and Lifestyle
Food can be a trial and error process. And for some, a glass of wine may usually be fine, but for others can start a roll tide into flare-up town that no one is wanting to visit. Keep track of the beverages and foods that cause symptoms to flare. Make modifications to foods that give you obvious issues or just avoid it completely. Commonly, certain spices can cause flare-up such as white and black pepper, red pepper, paprika, and cayenne. Also, hot beverages like coffee and tea, can be reduced down to cooler temperatures to avoid problems.
Even with all the options and precautions you may take, flares happen. Try using ice packs on your face to calm down any inflammation that you may be experiencing. It’s also been noted that green tea extracts can be soothing to the skin during a flare-up.
In some cases, minor remedies are not enough to fix the embarrassment you may feel during a flare-up or may have to deal with on an every-day basis. And even though cures are out of the question, the closest thing technology has produced are laser treatments. The American Academy of dermatology reports that most patients see a 20% reduction in redness and a 50 to 75% reduction in visible blood vessels. Laser treatments may be pricey but worth the long term success and management of that pesky condition called Rosacea.
When you take steps to manage Rosacea, whether it be protection from sun exposure, heat or cold weather, watching what you eat and drink, and exercising in moderation, this can help take the brunt of the embarrassing and obvious symptoms that Rosacea can produce.
Part of reducing your symptoms is reducing the emotional impact Rosacea has on your skin.
Call Dr. Balshi at Balshi Dermatology About How To Manage Rosacea
If you’re looking to treat and manage Rosacea symptoms, contact Balshi Dermatology, a board-certified dermatologist in Delray Beach, who can help you regain your skin and confidence back. Call us at (561) 272-6000 or send us a message on our Contact Page to set up your appointment.