How often do you visit your dermatologist for just a regular check-up, not just when something may be wrong or concerning? If the answer is “not very often,” you’re not alone! A lot of people don’t see dermatologist appointments as top priority, even though they should be part of your more common health visits. When making a check-up appointment with your dermatologist, you may feel a little uncertain as to why you might go. Even more so, you feel a little unsure of what questions to ask a dermatologist during your appointment.
There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to your skin. Think of any personal questions you may have for your dermatologist, whether they’re generic or personal to your skin needs. In addition to what you may already want to ask, here are a few more significant questions to consider asking your dermatologist during your first appointment.
7 questions to ask a dermatologist
1. How well is my skin aging?
Most people care about how their skin looks, especially as we age. This question can help you gauge the changes that have happened and the continued health of your aging skin. This can also give your dermatologist the opportunity to provide recommended treatments that can help correct some signs of aging. Some treatments recommended could be:
For example, you can treat wrinkles as soon as you start to see them. With early intervention, doctors can help reverse wrinkles altogether with treatments such as Botox. Once the lines are set into the skin, they can only be improved but not reversed.
At the end of the day, it’s your skin, and your skincare goals are what matter most. Talk to your doctor about your goals and they can help you achieve them!
2. Does my skincare routine need improvement?
When you talk to your dermatologist about your skin concerns like acne, wrinkles, fine lines or dry skin, it can be helpful to share your skincare routine. It’s possible that your routine could help or maybe even, hurt the effectiveness of the results you’re looking for.
Explain each step in your process, and allow your dermatologist to assess if the products you’re using qualify to help you maintain healthy skin. A lot of doctors find that patients aren’t necessarily using the wrong products but maybe too many, or not the right products.
Consider asking your dermatologist what they would recommend for your skin type. Much like a lot of things, one-size-doesn’t-fit all. What works for one skin type may not work for another. Some people are prone to acne, some people have dry skin. Everyone deals with their own unique issues when it comes to their skin. Finding products that work with your skin type will help you achieve the results you’re looking for and help you design the ideal skincare routine for your skin.
3. What sunscreens should I use?
UV rays are the top culprit for skin damage, both short term and long term. Knowing which sunscreen products and moisturizer products you should use is very important. Not all sunscreens are made the same, and depending on where you live and your daily activities, it’s possible you could need more than what you’re using.
At your first appointment, talk to your dermatologist about your daily activities, if you have sensitive skin, any allergies, etc. There are excellent sunscreens your dermatologist can recommend, whether you frequent the pool or need more allergen-free options.
4. Is my diet affecting my skin?
Our diet can make or break a lot of things physically, including the health of our skin. For example, milk products or milk derivatives can trigger inflammation in the skin, as does sugar. If you’re prone to acne or eczema, these types of ingredients can trigger a lot of inflammation in the skin. By simply swapping out foods high in sugar or dairy ingredients, you can not only feel better but slow the rate of aging in the skin in many cases. Small changes to the diet can really make a world of difference; not just in how you feel, but how you look.
5. Do any moles or sun spots look like they need to be evaluated?
During your first appointment, your doctor will examine your body and anything that might be a cause for concern. These skin cancer screenings are used to identify anything that might look out of the norm, i.e. freckles, moles, or growths.
If your dermatologist doesn’t discuss this during your first appointment, it’s good to have them evaluate anything that might be a cause for concern and answer any questions you may have in regards to suspicious moles or growths. This way they can determine if there’s a need to continually monitor your skin and provide more in-depth guidance for protecting your skin.
6. How do I protect myself from skin cancer?
It’s always good to keep an eye on your skin. Keep account of any coloration, abnormal growths, moles, sun spots, and uneven textures, especially if you are always exposed to direct sunlight. One of the best prevention methods is applying high SPF products daily to help protect your skin from UV rays. If you notice anything unusual, contact your dermatologist for evaluation.
7. How often should I make an appointment?
Waiting to see your Dermatologist only after an issue presents itself is not preventative enough. Often, it also means you’re waiting too long in between visits. It is recommended that adults should schedule an appointment with their dermatologist for a full exam a minimum of once a year. Visiting your dermatologist at this cadence can help prevent problem areas like aging and wrinkles but also help you avoid more serious issues like cancerous growths.
Your first dermatologist appointment should consist of some of these very important topics but also what you’re personally looking to take away from your dermatologist. Ask your dermatologist about the latest treatments and restorative procedures that can benefit you and your skin.
Don’t be afraid to ask detailed questions about wrinkles, acne, and skin cancer. Being open and honest about your personal and medical skin concerns. It is the best way to get the most out of your appointments with your dermatologist.
Have questions to ask a dermatologist? Ask Balshi Dermatology in South Florida!
If you’re ready to get your dermatologic questions answered, schedule a preliminary consultation about your skin concerns by calling a board-certified dermatologist in Delray Beach, Balshi Dermatology at (561) 272-6000 or request an appointment online.